PIL Logistics Australia, as a party with power to control, influence, prevent or encourage on-road behaviours, is committed to conducting our business in compliance with Australian National and State laws, regulations, and guidelines. With that in mind, PIL Logistics Australia is committed to delivering the following standards:
Everyone in our supply chain, from our company to our contractors, subcontractors, partners and customers, share the responsibility for compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law and must take all reasonable steps to prevent breaches of the road transport mass, dimension, loading, speed compliance and work hours laws.
ALL parties are required to adopt practices to facilitate compliance with CoR laws which may include, but are not limited to, and may vary depending on their role in the chain:
Ensuring that no person can make a request or put in place any contract which would cause, encourage, or provide an incentive for a driver to drive whilst adversely affected by fatigue and/or more than their applicable work/rest hours limits ALL parties are required to adopt practices to facilitate compliance with CoR laws which may include, but are not limited to, and may vary depending on their role in the chain:
The information in this statement is a summary only.
For more information, please refer to our Chain of Responsibility Policy
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